Strange times, my friends. It still feels surreal to walk into an empty restaurant or coffee shop, only to be flooded with this overwhelming sense of heaviness and sadness. As someone who is heavily affected by emotions, it’s very disheartening to realize that much like myself, the majority of people are mourning right now. They’re mourning routines, rhythms, and their “old lives.” I truly believe, though, that this virus is going to have a lasting impact on our reality in a much more substantial way than we’re able to comprehend. Now, don’t get discouraged, this isn’t a doomsday blog. I simply wanted to set up the context for what will be the actual subject matter.

Continue reading “THE GARDEN”


Hello, internet! I’m on vacation, and this probably breaks all the rules but you know what? Here we are! Holy Spirit inspiration struck and I didn’t want to get in the way, especially after going dark for months. Interestingly enough, the last blog also came after a dry spell and I decided not to apologize for the lack of communication, but this time is different. An apology still isn’t the appropriate response. Instead, I’ll admit to you guys that what I realized was causing the drought was a lack of “emotional precipitation,” if you will. I was experiencing some high-grade insecurity and self-doubt, which sent me spiraling into a reality that brought me face to face with something I’ve struggled with for quite some time. My name is Bobby Ramirez and I’m a control freak.

Continue reading “CANDY MOUNTAIN”


I want to kick off this blog with the “punchline,” if you will. In order to defy the diagnosis, you have to define the diagnosis. I know that a catchy sentence doesn’t solve all of your problems, but I wholeheartedly believe that the aforementioned statement will be hugely transformational for you.

Continue reading “DEFINE THE DIAGNOSIS”


One of the first things I had to do after getting hired at CBC was take a personality test known as the Enneagram. At the time, I didn’t understand the significance of it, but it has become such an incredible tool for me in regards to interacting with others and getting to know myself better.

Continue reading “THE CHARMER”


My uncle was the one who introduced me to drumming when I was about 10 years old. I’d go over to his house and he’d play a few of his drumline cadences from high school or some songs that he knew on the drum set. Finally finding something that interested me was exciting considering that I wasn’t your average adolescent boy. I played basketball, soccer, and baseball, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that I was not going to be an athlete. A butterfly vertebra (spinal anomaly associated with OAVS) prevented me from playing football since heavy contact sports put me at risk for paralysis. That said, I embraced music with arms wide open. Pun intended.

Continue reading “IDENTITY CRISIS”


Back in May, I participated in a gospel-centered life planning seminar called Younique, where the goal is to identify and articulate the specific calling on your life. Ephesians 2:10 is the foundation of the process:

For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life. (NRSV)

Continue reading “THE KAIROS MOMENT”